The founder of “Scouts BSA” (formerly Boy Scouts of America), Lord Baden Powell stated, “Our objective in the Scout movement is to give such help as we can in bringing about God’s Kingdom on earth by including among youth the spirit and the daily practice in their lives of unselfish goodwill and cooperation. There is no religious side to the Scouting movement. The whole movement is based on religion, that is, on the realization of service to God.” THERE YOU HAVE IT! We, as the church, are in The Kingdom of God business. The Scout’s religious foundation will live or die solely based on the active participation of the religious community in the Scouting program. Providing a “place” for the Scouts to meet is only the first step in fulfilling our mission to our young people in scouting. There are religious components in the scouting program related to rank advancement, but nothing substantial that brings Baden Powell’s basing Scouting “on the realization of service to God.” Honestly, as we all know, many of the wonderful adult Scout leaders are not members of a religious community. And so, the privilege of bringing Scouts into a relationship with God falls squarely on the religious communities AS IT SHOULD!
After being a registered Scout for 70 years I have some absolute “Golden Scouting Gems” that I guarantee will bring children and young people closer to Christ within the Church/Scouting movement.
Children and Young people will join a Scout unit quicker than they will join the Church.
IN HOUSE EVANGELISM – Once they come through the door of your church, make them
welcome. Have church members there to briefly and informally greet the parents and children as they deliver their children for meetings. Tell them how happy you are that they are part of the “program of your local church.” YOU CAN DO THIS! If you say that “you are a friendly church”, which all of my churches told me when I was a District Superintendent, remember that doesn’t mean that you are friendly “just to each other”! These parents are coming to Scouting to find an organization which will instill moral values and “unselfish goodwill and cooperation.”
They may be looking for the Church and don’t realize it.
True story while at a charge conference – We walked to the window and observed 9 children
playing on the church parking lot??
3. ONCE WE HAVE A SCOUT UNIT HOW DO WE INCLUDE THEM IN CHRISTIAN EDUCATION? Start with the PRAY Program: Programs of Religious Activities with Youth (PRAYpub.org)
Formerly called the God and Country Program. As the former Chairman of the National Directors of PRAY and lifelong advocate, I will tell you that this program has been formally recommended by Scouting for at least 80 years, the counselors are pastors and church folk just like you. YOU get to know the Scouts, and they get to know and like you! Their parents have the same experience, and before you know it, they are part of your church. Another Scout award, which I authored, is the GOD AND WORLD AWARD, out of the Baltimore Area Council BSA. It is a comparative religions award that helps the Scouts to be acquainted with the various religions in their neighborhood and the beliefs that we have in common. The Scouts know about these awards and want to earn them. They can only earn them through the religious communities.
4. TO START A SCOUT UNIT, CALL THE LOCAL SCOUTING COUNCIL -They have resource scouters that will guide you. Go to PRAYpub.org, and you will see resources that explain everything and more that you need to know. On My Honor as an Eagle Scout and pastor, I have given you the best advice I know on bringing children to Christ through Scouting.