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Annapolis District Weekly Prayer Meeting
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Prayer Meeting 

December 12, 2024, 7 pm EDT 

Join the Annapolis District United Methodist Men in their weekly Zoom Prayer meeting on Thursday at 7 pm. Words of Wisdom by Curtis Warren, Past Conference Prayer Advocate and UMMan at St. Mark UMC, Hanover, MD, will give you Inspiration and encouragement.  Be inspired, be spiritually fed, and be humbled by the voices of our prayer warrior disciples.

Moderator: Morgan E Smith, Annapolis District UMM President and Certified Lay Servant Chews Memorial UMC, Owensville Harwood, MD

Opening Prayer:  Morgan E Smith

  1. James Turner, Peninsula, Delaware Conference UMM President and Certified Lay Servant at New Life Community Church, Centerville, MD
    Prayer of Hope. Ephesians 1:11-16
    Ephesians 1:11-16 emphasizes that through Christ, believers are chosen and predestined to fulfill God's purpose, are sealed with the Holy Spirit to guarantee their inheritance, and are commended for their faith and love for others.

  2.  Victor Meltzer, UMM President at First UMC, 6201 Bel Crest Rd, Hyattsville, MD
    Prayer for God's Peace. Luke 2:8-14
    Luke 2:8-14 recounts the announcement of Jesus' birth by an angel to shepherds, proclaiming the arrival of the Savior as a message of great joy and peace for all people, glorifying God in the highest.

  3. Rev. Eugene Matthew's Retired Pastor, St. Mark UMC, Laurel, MD
    Prayer for Joy. John 15:10-17

    John 15:10-17 teaches that abiding in Jesus' love through obedience leads to complete joy, commands believers to love one another as He has loved them, and calls them to bear lasting fruit as His chosen friends.

Closing: Prayer & Prayer Requests:  


Topic: Annapolis District UMM Hour of Prayer
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