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Image by Andrew Coop
Image by Dewang Gupta

The Marble Moving Ministry 

spread your love and faith

Hi There,

I want to share with you that in my church, I am part of a group of people called Marble Movers,  an exciting ministry to encourage people and possibly introduce Jesus to them.

How to Do It.

When we find someone that has helped us or we can tell they need an encouraging word,
we give them a gift. It all starts with a question, “Do you go to church?” Yes, Great –Me too - which one do you go to ?


And they may respond, " No or not for a long time."


And I would respond, "Well, I go every week, and I’m part of an organization of people called Marble Movers and I would like to give you a gift."

Have the marble already in your hand, extend your hand so they can tell you want to give them something  As you place the marble in their hand,  gently fold their fingers around the marble you say,

“When you feel this marble in your pocket or when you see it on your desk or your bureau tonight and for as long as it lasts, it will always remind you that God Loves You, and So Do I. Have a blessed day.”

Need Some Help

If anyone needs a positive start to each day, they can join us on the MPG call each morning at 5:55 am.  There are about 17 of us that try to move a marble every day. We also read a scripture and have a meditation.

The MPG is not for Miles Per Gallon. (although we do get fueled up for the day in a very positive way. It’s Morning Prayer Group. (MPG). 

Tell everybody, the Telephone No. is:

  (605) 313-5086
   Pin 710605#

Thought for the Day

If there was no YOU there could be no US.

Any question about this material or if you would like to hear a live presentation on the phone call me at 443 845-8748

And Remember --- God Loves You and so do I !!!!

Bill Weller
Past President of the Baltimore-Washington Conference United Methodist Men


The United Methodist Men of the Baltimore-Washington Conference, striving to lead like Jesus



BWC Mission Center
11711 E. Market Pl.
Fulton, MD 20759


© 2021 BWC UMM

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