Agenda - May 13, 2023 9 am - 10 am
OPENING – Ceferino Epps
OPENING PRAYER– Tony Brzeczko BWC UMM Prayer Advocate
Need to ID Nominees to fill vacancies described in the Book of Discipline
1. UMM Rep to the Advocacy & Action Board
2. UMM Rep to the Wellness Missions Board
3. UMM Mission Coordinator
4. UMM Scholarship Coordinator
Participation in BWC Annual Conference
Volunteers Needed:
Prayer Room
Exhibit Space ~ Materials Provided by GCUMM
Assist Hotel Bellhops ~ Luggage!
Alwyn Taylor - Treasurer's report
Barney Putnam - Meeting Minutes of last Board meeting
CLOSING Prayer – Bryon Gould NEJ UMM Prayer Advocate
Next Scheduled Meeting – June 10, 2023 – Postmortem of Annual Conference
Treasurer's Rpt. June 6, 2020
Given at the June 6, 2020 BWC UMM Exec. Board Meeting

Meeting Minutes Aug 7, 2020
Recorded from the Aug 7, 2020 BWC UMM Exec. Board Meeting - Coming Soon