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Central MD District UMMen's
!!Welcome Back!!
Prayer Breakfast and Planning Meeting

Rebuilding to Help Every Man Become all God Intends for Him To Be

When: Saturday, May 21, 2022, 8:00 am to 10:00 am 

Where: Jerusalem-Mt. Pleasant UMC, 21 Wood Lane, Rockville, MD 20850



This will be our first in-person Prayer Breakfast meeting since COVID-19 so we look forward to welcoming all of you back and sharing about our experiences during the pandemic.


We will also be featuring a video and discussion from the 33 Series from The 33 Series is based on the 33 years of the life of our Lord Jesus, who is our role model for Biblical Manhood. It is an engaging program that provides a good resource for personal understanding as well as a tool we each can use to help others grow into all that God has for us.


We will have a tent setup in addition to space in the basement to allow for social distancing during breakfast and we will use masks in the sanctuary.


To help us plan for breakfast please email your RSVP to me so that we have a rough estimate of how many will be attending.


We look forward to seeing you!

Alwyn Taylor

UMM Central Maryland President at


The United Methodist Men of the Baltimore-Washington Conference, striving to lead like Jesus



BWC Mission Center
11711 E. Market Pl.
Fulton, MD 20759


© 2021 BWC UMM

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